On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Raphael Ritz
<r.r...@biologie.hu-berlin.de> wrote:
> Just clarifying: this means we have code that runs on 2.6 but
> breaks on 2.7.

I'm not sure if we have code in the core that breaks in a hard way.
I'm aware of issues in some recipes like iw.recipe.template,
collective.recipe.hudson, collective.recipe.solrinstance that all
break with Python 2.7. I know we had to do some minor fixes in all of
ZODB, ZTK and Zope2 to fix small issues. Therefor my general
impression is that we'll need some time to test the support in
practice and real projects to figure out if any popular add-ons are
affected as well.

There is also one major issue to figure out around testing. In Python
2.7 deprecation warnings are silenced by default. We agreed in the
Zope community that this is ok for production code, but we'd like to
enable the warnings in tests by default, as you'll otherwise never
notice them. We haven't actually implemented that behavior yet,
though. This has also lead to most of the ZTK having passing tests
under Python 2.7 but actually emit tons of deprecation warnings once
you enable them - for example all self.fail* methods in tests got
deprecated in favor of their self.assert* spelling to just name one.
Before we can claim real proper Python 2.7 support we need to make
sure our own stack runs without deprecation warnings.

> @Hanno: any gut feeling already how many issues/idioms we are
> looking at? Should we start collecting those and let people
> know how to become future proof? (or do have that anywhere
> already and I simply missed it?)

Apart from the deprecation warning business I'm not aware of any other
major issues. But you can only reasonably make code compatible with
Python 2.7 once you have moved it to Python 2.6 without emitting any
warnings. Going straight from Python 2.4 to 2.7 is going to be a bit
painful as you'll loose all the helpful deprecation messages and just
get straight exceptions on some issues.

Once Plone 4.1 is released we stop providing bug fixes for the Plone
3.x line. At that point I'd expect many add-on maintainers to be ok
with supporting only Plone 4 and requiring Python 2.6. Once that has
happened it should be much easier to move forward to Python 2.7

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