On 10/5/10 9:46 PM, Geir Bækholt wrote:
> The Plone 3 series has run for a longer time than anticipated, but there
> is still a demand for new releases.
> Our awesome release manager, Wichert, has, after a long series of
> successful releases, stated that he unfortunately doesn't have the time
> available any longer to continue as Plone 3.3 release manager.

First of all I would like to thank Wichert for an exceptionally well
done job. I think Plone would not be where it is today without you.

That said: Wiggy, is there really no chance having you on board
for the next one or two minor releases? I think that's all it takes
until Plone 4 takes over. We are so close.

Raphael (who has been way too quite here for reasons I might tell
you if we meet in person but not in public ...)

> The Plone Foundation board hereby requests that the framework team
> appoints a new release manager for further releases in the Plone 3.3 line.

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