Le 20/10/10 03:08, Alex Clark a écrit :
> On 10/7/10 2:44 AM, Godefroid Chapelle wrote:
>> Le 05/10/10 21:46, Geir Bækholt a écrit :
>>> The Plone 3 series has run for a longer time than anticipated, but there
>>> is still a demand for new releases.
>>> Our awesome release manager, Wichert, has, after a long series of
>>> successful releases, stated that he unfortunately doesn't have the time
>>> available any longer to continue as Plone 3.3 release manager.
>>> The Plone Foundation board hereby requests that the framework team
>>> appoints a new release manager for further releases in the Plone 3.3 line.
>> I'd be happy to take that role.
>> I'd just need some handholding for the first release in case the process
>> id not documented.
> We could really use a doc on this process. I'd be willing to help write
> such a document and maybe help Godefroid, Wouter, et. al. get a 3.3.6
> out the door if folks like Eric, Hanno, and Wiggy (time permitting)
> wouldn't mind reviewing it.
> Just from watching, I'd say it loosely goes something like this:
> - Create a version specific buildout branch in coredev
> - Do development
>    - Ensure that plips/open tickets are matched with humans.
>    - Set timelines, apply pressures.
>    - Maintain sources.cfg and versions.cfg.
>    - Ensure that packages get released as development is completed.
>    - Handle any upstream/Zope 2 issues.
> - Release the "final" Plone package.
> Anyone (besides me) have any interest in switching to mr.developer for
> 3.3.6 (since Wiggy never got around to it, or had any desire to switch
> IIRC)? Or is that just a lot of work for very little gain…
> Alex

I think we should use some time in the coming days in Bristol to sort 
that out.


Godefroid Chapelle (aka __gotcha) http://bubblenet.be

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