On Feb 24, 2011, at 1:36 PM, Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 3:26 AM, Elizabeth Leddy <ele...@umich.edu> wrote:
>> Feel free to respond over email or just edit the
>> document: http://dev.plone.org/plone/wiki/PlipProcess
> Great work!
>> In general, I'd like to give the fixed release schedule a 6 month test
>> drive. If it sucks we can go back to status quo or move forward with the
>> latest and greatest.
> I cannot remember any Plone releases that only took 6 months - even
> when we tried hard. I'd usually expect a 50% overrun from any stated
> timeline, so while aiming for 6 months we can manage to do a release
> after 9 months. We'd have to aim for a 3-4 months cycle to actually be
> able to do two releases in a year.
> And I wouldn't really want to do more than two releases per year, or
> we risk getting too fragmented, diverging code bases and very short
> support lifecycles for each release (only the last 4.x release gets
> bugfixes at any given time according to our current policy).
> I think we could aim for a spring and an autumn release, expecting
> most people to be busy in summer vacations and around x-mas/new year.
> Hanno

You're probably right. That's my over-eager under-estimation issue. ;) What I'm 
after is trying to reduce the "penalty" for missing the merge deadline. By 
that, I mean that once that deadline is missed, development tends to completely 
halt for months at a time before another last minute push at the next deadline. 
Maybe that's something we can fix with better back and forth from the FWT. 
Maybe it's just a fact of life. ;)

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