#11300: Switch to HTML5
 Reporter:  spliter        |       Owner:  spliter 
     Type:  PLIP           |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major          |   Milestone:  4.2     
Component:  Templates/CSS  |    Keywords:          

Comment(by spliter):

 Replying to [comment:59 alecm]:
 > (In [50941]) Added PLIP review for 11300.  Refs #11300

 Thanks for the review, Alec. Would like to comment on some moments.

 1. I am not sure about the mess with kss.core and
 Products.ResourceRegistries. Corresponding branches of the both packages
 are included in the plip11300-switch-to-html5.cfg file's auto-checkout
 section and should not require anything extra on your side. You can see
 this at https://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/buildouts/plone-
 coredev/branches/4.1/plip11300-switch-to-html5.cfg. I didn't change this
 file after your review except removing mistaken pinning of GenericSetup's

 2. The HTML tag being inside a conditional comment. We are using the most
 recent version of assigning IE-specific classes on the HTML element
 according to the HTML5 Boilerplate as it can be checked here —
 https://github.com/paulirish/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/index.html . If
 more information on this topic needed, here is the discussion behind this
 decision in the HTML5 boilerplate —

 3. "Validation passed with the exception of the "kinetic-stylesheet"
 custom rel attribute." should not be an issue, since obviously there is
 some conflict with pulling the correct branch of kss.core. The branch has
 this fixed and, configuration file for this plip should be pulling that
 branch without a problem.

 4. "The w3c validator complains about the http-equiv="Content-Type" meta
 tag, the KSS link rel attributes, and the use of an undeclared —
 entity in the page title." Clearly there is something wrong happening and
 the proper bracnhes are not pulled on your side. I can not reproduce these
 with the standard w3c validator.

 5. "… plone.app.kss trunk should have been included in the configuration"
 This is not needed. I don't change anything in that package. Only
 kss.core. I am almost sure that the problem you have with KSS features not
 working are related to the fact you are pulling that package from some
 place that doesn't work. I have all the KSS features, including inline
 editing, re-ordering of the items in the folder_contents etc. working just
 fine. No issues or errors in the console.

 So, in my opinion all the critical issues mentioned in your review are
 related to some issues with the instance being built with some othr
 configuration, different from the most recent one. Alec, may I ask you to
 check this PLIP once again and make sure the issues mentioned by you are
 still valid?

Ticket URL: <http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11300#comment:61>
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