#11300: Switch to HTML5
 Reporter:  spliter        |       Owner:  spliter 
     Type:  PLIP           |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major          |   Milestone:  4.2     
Component:  Templates/CSS  |    Keywords:          

Comment(by spliter):

 Replying to [comment:68 alecm]:
 > (In [51036]) Update review for PLIP 11300. Refs #11300

 Thanks for the prompt update, Alec. But, there are still two issues that
 bother me.

 First of all, the conditional comments around the <html>. I am sure we are
 using the most recent and the most bullet-proof way of doing this. In the
 original post, mentioned in the comment in main_template.pt (the one, you
 reference to in your review, Alec), there is information about the (!IE)
 comment indeed. But, the thing is that this comment was meant to deal with
 Dreamweaver being too silly. At the end of that blog post, there is
 another, more recent, update:

 '''''2011.04.11: The HTML5 Boilerplate community dug into this and
 [https://github.com/paulirish/html5-boilerplate/issues/425/# figured out a
 lot more details] around the syntax. Hopefully I'll get a chance to update
 this post with those learning...'''''

 The link in the comment leads to the issue entry of the HTML5 boilerplate.
 And the conclusion after resolving that issue was exactly the markup we
 are having in main_template now without any (!IE) thing that doesn't make
 sense at all -

 I agree it looks a little bit messy, but it gives much better ground for
 writing hacks-less styles in the main stylesheets. And I have already put
 those in the stylesheets to preserve the information we had in the
 deprecated IEFixes.css. So, let's close this issue — the markup we have in
 main_template now is *the* markup and follows the best practices for
 dealing with IE-specific styles.

 Second, I don't get &mdash; validation error on the official w3c
 validator. May I ask you, how do you validate the page so that I could

Ticket URL: <http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11300#comment:69>
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