Hey Moira,
Since you are editing in digital, why not develop it as a negative? In that 
case it should be 400ASA instead of 200, so you gain a stop. 
- Pip

> On Sep 27, 2021, at 11:24 PM, ev petrol <epetr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I just shot a gig on Tri-X Super 8 - very low light, my meter needle was 
> hovering between f 1.4 & being in the red. A friend with a lightmeter checked 
> the levels for me & it seems like I might have been just about ok, but I'm  
> concerned about the image being underexposed.
> Some of the rolls also have daylight footage on them, of the musicians 
> soundchecking - the meter needle was in or around f 5.6 for those shots.
> I'm wondering whether I should ask the lab to push one stop - any thoughts?
> We're going to do a 2K scan of the developed footage, for digital edit.

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