MFJ 56 Fall 2012 – Materialism in a Digital Age

This is a call for articles, manifestoes, proposals, reviews, critiques or 
other writings on the revived interest in the materials and material bases of 

The Millennium Film Journal is dedicated to artists’ cinema, where the term 
“cinema” includes all technologies of the moving image.

With the possible demise of Kodak, the film industry’s embrace of the digital, 
and the closing of film labs, the photochemical medium seems to be in a period 
of rapid decline. But even in the face of this decline, artists around the 
world continue to use photochemical media with enthusiasm and commitment, while 
others seek out ways to ground materialist concepts and practices in bits and 

We invite artists, critics, theorists, historians and technicians to contribute 
texts addressing the many aspects of these phenomena. for more information.

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