When I was a student in the 1970s we had a dual speed 16-24 projector, but I 
don't remember if it was an Eiki / Elf or a B&H. Obviously there's a 
relationship between 16 and 24,

Nicky Hamlyn.




-----Original Message-----
From: David Tetzlaff <djte...@gmail.com>
To: Experimental Film Discussion List <frameworks@jonasmekasfilms.com>
Sent: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 19:10
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Andy Warhol's SLEEP / Providence, RI / Feb 18 / Magic 
Lantern + RK Projects

> Never mind. It looks like they are projecting at 16fps. 
> excellent.

Actually, they're projecting it at 18fps. They have an Eiki with a silent speed 
pulley, which runs at 18fps, and they're borrowing my Pageant 250S for the 
second projector, which also has a silent speed of 18fps. (I've checked the 
manuals for both of them. Graflex dual speed models also run at 18fps and 

Now, before actually CHECKING this stuff, I had always thought 16fps was the 
proper speed for 16mm silent, and that the silent speed on a Pageant was 16fps. 

So does anyone on the list know more about this? Were the old, old 
silent-speed-only 16mm projectors 16fps, and did they change it to 18 to make 
projectors that could switch speeds more practical, or something like that? 
it have anything to do with 18fps being set as the speed for Super-8? Were 
ever dual speed projectors that ran at 16fps and 24fps? Or has it always been 
18fps for silent, and somehow Myron and I have suffered from some collective 
16fps illusion?

just curious...
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