I thought Marilyn Brakhage's response to the Erika Balsom essay was 
outstanding, and I hope it will be reprinted in Moving Image Arts Journal so it 
circulates more directly where historians and scholars might find it in the 

Greybeards like me on the Frameworks listserv can easily add to the main points 
Marilyn makes about Stan Brakhage per se and about the commercial and gallery 
and museum art world of the time.

I vividly remember a dinner with Stan Brakhage (and others) at the University 
of Oregon perhaps 20 years ago when he was screening some of his films.  The 
discussion got into the matter of Turner's paintings and light, and Brakhage 
was quite passionate about which museums had which paintings and had displayed 
them to best advantage.  The next morning I ran into him on the main campus 
quadrangle, camera in hand, filming what interested him, while he was waiting 
for the University Art Museum to open.

Two points that others might be able to develop more in dialogue with Balsom's 

a. animation, particularly drawn animation, has always had a more ambiguous 
relation to the traditional format/materials art world, perhaps mostly because 
almost all its artists have drawing skills and craft, which is more easily 
understood.  Most art schools (used to) have first year drawing course 

b. there was a discussion c. 1970, and I think in Canyon Cinemanews, about 
establishing the "rare value" of film and its collectability, by making things 
such as unique editions of films (such as S8mm copies that collectors could buy 
and presumably view at home) or by making single unique films which would then 
be sold to collectors or museums.  Of course this was also part of an art world 
discussion/quandary at the time when another mass reproduceable 
art--photography--was entering the art market (and museum collections).

Chuck Kleinhans

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