> Dear chuck,
> You could order the DVD about Marie Menken, a film from Martina Kudlacek. It
> is available at www.index-dvd.at
> At Zeitgeist there is another artist-documentary, also very interesting, from
> the same filmmaker, the title is IN THE MIRROR OF MAYA DEREN.
> The films are also feature length, but especially good and with a personal
> style of the filmmaker.
> All the best,
> brigitta
> On Jul 1, 2012, at 10:53 PM, Shumona Goel wrote:
>> I was wondering if you may be able to suggest films that have been made about
>> artists for us to watch and learn how others have handled this tricky
>> subject.
> Chuck Kleinhans
> Since you indicated that you are still learning your craft and this is to be a
> short project, let me suggest this, in contradistinction to the fine (but
> feature length for the most part) films other s have suggested.
> It is almost always interesting to show the manual process of artistic
> creation.  This also gives you a logical narrative "spine" for the film:
> beginning to end, inspiration to completion, etc.  You can thus show the
> activity of art making and use a voice over from one or more  separate
> interviews to inform in a verbal way.  If the artist makes similar work you
> may be able to shoot at several different times which lets you cover something
> that may not have gone well in an earlier shoot.  Especially for new
> filmmakers, it's a lot better to do a project about a repeated event (city
> symphony, etc.) that lets you go back for  B roll, etc.  than a unique event
> (the one championship game).
> Chuck Kleinhans
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