Generally speaking, Quicktime is always better. It is 
memory-inefficient and not multithreaded, but highly accurate in 
terms of render quality and random access. There have been some bugs 
with H.264 video levels in Quicktime for Windows, but I believe those 
have been fixed. No problems on OS X or iOS as far as I know.

Windows Media Player is an embarrassment. Media Player Classic and 
VLC are mediocre replacements, but at least on Windows you get to 
tweak some of the options. For example, you may be able to choose the 
OS codecs, or the codecs internal to the player. In the hardware 
driver settings (display control panel), you may be able to 
enable/disable hardware acceleration. You may be able to choose a 
dynamic range, either 0-255 or 16-235 (studio IRE). These choices may 
make the difference between your video looking good or not.

Needless to say, it's crucial to calibrate your display device for 
brightness, contrast, gamma, and color temperature.


At 7/6/2012, you wrote:
>Hey framers,
>   I remember hearing a couple months ago that certain media players 
> (and by media players, I mean quicktime, vlc, etc.) do a "better" 
> job then others in terms of quality of video (the specific rumor I 
> overheard was that an older version of Quicktime was did a better 
> job than a newer one or something along those lines.)
>   I realize this is probably a gross generalization that is also 
> dependent on the video, not to mention the quality of the projector 
> itself, but was curious to hear more. I generally go to VLC at home 
> just because it can play a lot of different formats, but was 
> wondering specifically in the case of screenings; is there one that 
> you feel has shown more, let's say, accurate results?
>austin, tx
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Aaron F. Ross
Digital Arts Guild

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