Try to find an older, working VHS camcorder and tape it off your computer
screen. Maybe your local media center, public access television station,
school or thrift store has one in the backroom somewhere... although
they're getting much harder to find working these days.

Taping "through the air" will get rid of that harsh HD look more
organically than downgrading on a computer or running through cables... and
usually older cameras have manual image controls that you could adjust
easily to get the look you're going for. Move back and zoom in for more
softness/pixels. (HD televisions and computer screens don't tend to flicker
and wobble off the screen like they did in the old days..)

Then, play the VHS through a monitor and record it with an iPhone or
HDcamera to get back onto an online format. Eliminating cables and
all together will save a lot of time/hassle/money unless you're already set
up for making transfers.

On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 1:42 AM, Aaron F. Ross

> Why don't you just downsample it to 480p? Just export it to a lower
> resolution. No need to lay off to tape, that's just crazy talk.
> Aaron
> At 8/16/2013, you wrote:
>> Hey Im making a stopmotion video using adobe premiere and it looks
>> terrible because its HD and looks too crisp.  You can see all the shitty
>> blue screening and whatnot so I want to convert it to VHS so the mistakes
>> don't look so obvious.  I also like the look of VHS better than HD.  I've
>> done this before using a tape deck with a firewire cable but it was so long
>> ago and I kind of forget how it was done.  I also don't have acces to such
>> a tape deck.  Just wondering if anyone knew how to do this and/ or had that
>> kind of tape deck available in the NYC area.  Thanks
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