Hi Roger,

I hadn't checked recently and didn't know about this DVD release - thanks
for the tip - but it looks like it's a condensed two-hour version of the
original 12-hour series. At least something's out there, but nothing can
replace the scope of the full series. Sad.

Andy Ditzler

On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 12:23 PM, Beebe, Roger <roge...@ufl.edu> wrote:

>  RE: An American Family, it's true that it was long unavailable, but it
> was released on DVD in 2011, so now it needs not simply be the stuff of
> legend:
>  http://www.shoppbs.org/product/index.jsp?productId=11645510
>  ...
> R.
>  On Jan 11, 2014, at 12:16 PM, Andy Ditzler wrote:
>  Jean Rouch should definitely be mentioned, especially Les Maitres Fous,
> Jaguar, and Chronicle of a Summer - as he influenced Godard and the French
> New Wave. The unavailability of his films in the U.S. has eased in recent
> months due to institutional DVD copies being made available through
> Icarus.
>  Much ethnographic film from various eras would apply: The Ax Fight
> (self-reflexivity) and To Live With Herds (observational cinema landmark)
> come to mind, as does Mead and Bateson's groundbreaking work like Trance
> and Dance in Bali. Also Robert Gardner's Forest of Bliss and Lucien
> Taylor's and Verena Paravel's recent Leviathan (for ideas of "sensory
> ethnography").
>  Shirley Clarke's Portrait of Jason, for ideas of changing representation
> of black and LGBT cultures and figures in documentary. Of course, Black
> Audio Film Collective's Handsworth Songs and everything by Marlon Riggs.
>  Further away from experimental here, but an argument could be made for
> This Is Spinal Tap as a pivotal work of "fake documentary," with influence
> far beyond comedy/fiction.
>  Definitively unavailable, and completely pivotal: An American Family.
>  Andy Ditzler
> www.filmlove.org
> www.johnq.org
> Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts, Emory University
> On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 6:19 PM, David Tetzlaff <djte...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm looking to help a friend do research on the history of documentary,
>> and I'd like to introduce him to some of the more experimental side of the
>> form. For his purposes, the work needs to available on video: he needs to
>> see stuff, not just read about it, and he needs to be able to pull decent
>> quality clips for presentation. So I'm not looking for more purely
>> experimental films that have some actuality footage, but something more
>> readily recognizable under a (very) broad rubric of 'documentary'.
>> Something like "Sonic Outlaws' or "Odds of Recovery" would be pretty
>> central examples. About as far down the experimental scale I'd want to get
>> would be such films as "Window Water Baby Moving" or "Sink or Swim." (Thus,
>> for example, "Thigh Line Lyre Triangular" is too 'far out' for this
>> purpose.) I'd also welcome suggestions for essay-form docs beyond Marker
>> (which I've already got). Another example of such might be Mulvey's 'Frida
>> Kahlo / Tina Modotti"
>> With those loose guidelines, feel free to recommend away without worrying
>> too much about the 'fit'. I can/will edit the recs I pass on...
>> TIA!
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Andy Ditzler
Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts, Emory University
FrameWorks mailing list

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