Stan Brakhage: Text of Light. A world in an ashtray.
Some of Jamie Jenkinson's iPhone videos are very glassy:
John DuCane: Zoom Lapse. Windows.
Michael Snow: Wavelength.
Nicky Hamlyn: Silver Street. Views out of windows and mirrors included.





-----Original Message-----
From: Sheri Wills <>
To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
Sent: Wed, 3 Feb 2016 2:19
Subject: [Frameworks] Films about glass and light

Hello Everyone,

As part of a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the glass department at 
for next year, we are beginning to plan a series of screenings of (mostly 
experimental) films that engage with materials, ideas, experiences of glass 
and/or light - materially, abstractly, physically, metaphysically…..

We are planning a projection of Line Describing a Cone, and a screening of Text 
of Light. The preliminary long list includes Moholy-Nagy’s films, Tacita Dean’s 
Green Ray, and the 1959 industrial film, Glas, by Bert Haanstra.

It would be wonderful to hear thoughts from this group.

Many thanks in advance,
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