Hi there,

I am still using FCP 703 extensively on a MacBook Pro under Yosemite, and I can 
report a couple of problems:
• 3-way Colour Correction: The colour picker is going crazy, if you pick into 
an area to define it as neutral colour, it will tint your whole image pink or 
blue or green.
  This is probably a conflict with Colorsync, but all instructions to repair 
profiles etc. failed.
• Export dialogue window: Sometimes this window disappears before you can hit 
Enter or Cancel. But most of the time it’s okay.

There’s problems with other Apps in the FCS package:
• Motion won’t work
• Cinema Tools won’t conform frame rates of videos larger than HD (But Lossless 
Frame Rate Converter 
<http://arvidtomayko.com/sw/lossless_frame_rate_converter.php> does it for free)
I can’t recall any other issues I have come across…

Just recently I used Live Type from a much earlier FCS release and it worked 
really well!

I never risked to upgrade to El Capitan or now Sierra, it would be interesting 
to hear other people’s experiences with FCP7...


> Am 06.10.2016 um 18:25 schrieb Dave Tetzlaff <djte...@gmail.com>:
>> For those of you who might still be running OSX 10.6.8 on a Mac (for FCP 
>> editing, for example). 
> I’d heard that FCP 7 has ‘issues’ past 10.6.8, but also that it works fine on 
> Yosemite (10.10.5). I don’t do mobile, so I don’t care about iOS, but I’m 
> curious if Adam or others have info on how FCP 7 behaves under the newer OSes…
> @ Chuck: I live in NoCal now, but haven’t tossed my New England winter coat 
> and Upper Midwest down vest either. You never know… And, yeah, I have old 
> Macs around that will boot and run OS9, too.
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