many other visual music films for that list, here's a few -

More by Harry Smith, Films 2 and 3 and 11

Jordan Belson, Bop Scotch

More by Hy Hirsh (no c in Hirsh), including Scratch Pad

at least 4 or 5 films by Len Lye
more by Norman McLaren

Oskar Fischinger, Studie nr 5.  On CVM's vimeo VOD channel, also on the
forthcoming new Oskar Fischinger DVD next month,

Steve Woloshen, Shimmer Box Drive

Cindy Keefer
Center for Visual Music

CVM email - cvmaccess (at)

(original post)
On Wednesday, November 8, 2017 5:14 AM, Albert Alcoz <
< <>>> wrote:


I was wondering about the connections between jazz music and avant-garde
film after watching Bridges-Go-Round (1958) by Shirley Clarke, with the
soundtrack version created by Teo Macero.

There should be plenty of avant-garde and experimental films where the
soundtrack is instrumental jazz music. Maybe the field of Visual Music
should be the most represented but i'm sure there are other films like the
one by Michael Snow that uses, in this case, free jazz music or

Does anyone remember some other avant-garde films with jazz soundtracks?

Right my list is as follows:

Begone Dull Care (1949) by Norman McLaren. Music by Oscar Peterson

Films No. 1 (1948) by Harry Smith. Music by Dizzy Gillespie

Chasse des Touches (1959) by Hy Hirsh. Music by Thelonious Monk

Catalog (1961) by John Whitney. Music by Ornette Coleman

New York Eye and Ear Control (1964) by Michael Snow. Music by Albert Ayler,
Don Cherry, etc.

Thanks in advance,

Albert Alcoz
FrameWorks mailing list

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