just a note to say that the video of me talking about Lenten fasting is one 
of the lead stories on today's Beliefnet.com. I'm sure that, if you go there 
and click on it, it will make the editors happy: 
_http://www.beliefnet.com/_ (http://www.beliefnet.com/) 
you'll see my photo rotating through among stories abt Jimmy Carter, "Angel 
Meditations," and "Celebrity Depression." 
I'm home working on an essay about autism today, also for Beliefnet. Two of 
our grandchildren have autism diagnoses, though both are in the 
high-functioning range and may outgrow it. Still, two out of eight gets your 
attention. I 
have a neighbor, and also a parishioner, who both had decades of experience 
teaching public school. I asked, "do you think there's more of autism behavior 
you used to see, or is it just being noticed more?" Both said, emphatically, 
"there's a lot more of the behavior." I wonder if we'll ever find out what's 
causing it. 
Frederica Mathewes-Green

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