One of the most beautiful examples of Orthodox hymn-writing is the example
known as "the Akathist Hymn." It is concerned with the miracle of Christ's
Incarnation, and focuses on the events from Gabriel's announcement of
Christ's conception, to the moment aged Symeon receives the infant Christ in
his arms. Because the Feast of the Annunciation always falls in Lent, many
Orthodox churches offer this hymn during these weeks, usually in the context
of an evening prayer service. If you check the calendar of your local
Orthodox church you can probably visit one evening and hear this ancient and
beautiful hymn.

The "Akathist Hymn" was written in the early 500's by St Romanos, a Syrian.
"Akathist" means "not-seated" ("kath" being a chair or a seat; the
"cathedral" is where the bishop's throne is kept). The hymn probably aquired
this title when it was chanted by a congregation praying desperately for
protection from a hostile army; their urgency was demonstrated by remaining
standing the entire time. I haven't been able to find out what Romanos'
original title for it was, but I call it "The Annunciation Hymn" to
distinguish it from all the other, subsequent, akathists.

In my most recent book, "The Lost Gospel of Mary: The Mother of Jesus in
Three Ancient 
made a fresh translation of this hymn.

Last week on my podcast I read the

and this week I go over the text in some detail, providing explanation and
hope this beautiful hymn brightens your spring.

Frederica Mathewes-Green
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