For Orthodox Christians today is the Feast of St. Lazarus; as we begin the
march toward Pascha / Easter, we start a week away with the raising of
Lazarus from the dead, which provoked the decision to arrest and execute
Jesus. We'll enact each of the events of the Passion week as the days go by,
culminating with the Pascha celebration at midnight this coming Saturday.

A year ago, on this same Feast of St. Lazarus, a crew came from the PBS
show, "Religion and Ethics Newsweekly," to film our church's very gifted
chanter and proto-psalti, Emily Lowe. The story came out great:

Religion & Ethics Newsweekly: Orthodox

It's a two-minute piece, all in the first person, Emily talking about
liturgical chant. It includes many shots of Holy Cross at prayer; you can
spot me in the choir, and also Terry Mattingly, Scripps-Howard columnist and
founder of blog. You'll also hear my son Stephen chanting
"Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels," and of course my
handsome hubby, the pastor, swinging the incense and wearing one of those
great hats that George
Costanza<>so admired.
This was a Saturday morning, and attendance was thinner than it
is on Sundays, but that's for the best because on Sundays it would have been
hard to get a clear view of things, there's such a crowd. What a great job
Emily did, and what a beautiful voice God has given her! I've heard many
good voices, but Emily's has a specially un-forced quality that makes it all
the more impressive, to me. To God be the glory! A blessed Pascha / Easter
to all!

Frederica Mathewes-Green
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