Here is a review of the new Rob Reiner movie, "Flipped." It will
appear on Christianity Today Movies today or tomorrow.

Stars: 2

Rated: PG

Cast: Madeline Carroll (Juli Baker), Callan McAuliffe (Bryce Loski),
Rebecca De Mornay (Patsy Loski), Anthony Edwards (Steven Loski), John
Mahoney (Chet Duncan)

Can it be love at first sight if you’re seven years old? “Flipped”
proposes that, yes, it can, if you’re a bold and lively little girl;
the little boy who is the object of her affection might need a few
more years to catch on. When Juli Baker spots the Loski family moving
in across the street, she strides right into the moving van and tries
to lend a hand. Bryce and his dad are put off by her intrusiveness,
and Bryce escapes under the pretense that his mother is calling him.
In his telling of the story, goofy Juli just can’t take a hint and
runs after him, pursuing him to the point that he has to hide behind
his mom.

But then the episode is run through again, this time from Juli’s point
of view. What Juli sees is that Bryce is just as smitten as she is.
When he pushes her hand away, he’s trying to hold it, she thinks. She
reads in his “dazzling eyes” a love that is fully requited. He’s
“walking around with my first kiss inside of him,” she tells herself.

Thus begins “a half-decade of strategic avoidance and social
discomfort,” Bryce tells us. Juli continues to get starry-eyed
whenever Bryce is around, even leaning forward from her school desk to
sniff his hair, to his overwhelming embarrassment. Through the years
Bryce continues to be discomfited and irritated by her attentions. It
doesn’t help that Juli’s family is weird: her overworked mom cooks,
cleans, and holds down a job while her dad stands outside painting
landscapes. Their front yard is a wreck, the embarrassment of the
neighborhood, and Juli develops a habit of spending hours sitting in a
sycamore tree.

Then, when Bryce is in 7th grade, his recently-widowed grandfather
Chet comes to live with the Loskis. About this time Juli learns that
her tree is going to be cut down, to make way for a house. She
occupies the tree in order to save it, and the newspaper runs a story
headed “Local Girl Takes a Stand.” For Chet, this is the kind of
spunkiness his dear wife would have shown, and he begins to encourage
Bryce to get to know Juli better. For Bryce, however, tree-sitting is
more of the weirdo behavior that has had him running in the opposite
direction for years.

The novel Flipped, by Wendelin Van Draanen, has been a hit with kids
in that 10-14 age bracket for whom feelings about romance are
new--exciting, confusing, and seldom efficiently in synch. Van
Draanen’s technique of telling an incident from both points of view
amounts to a tutorial in adolescent romantic communication.

But director Rob Reiner has brought the story to the screen aiming, I
think, at a different audience. Youthful fans of the book can be taken
for granted, but Reiner has transposed the action from the present day
(as it is in the book) to 1963, angling for a catch of baby boomers as
well. The result is a relentless exercise in nostalgia—clothes, hair
styles, cars, and doo-wop soundtrack—that begins to feel manipulative.

In a way, the film is a throwback to two of Reiner's hits from the
1980s, “When Harry Met Sally” and “Stand by Me”. “Flipped” may have
looked like an opportunity to emulate the first by depicting a
romantic relationship as it evolves over time, and the second by
setting events in the context of sentimental Boomer adolescence. The
result feels labored. In “Stand by Me” there was a much-quoted,
delightful sequence in which the boys discuss whether Mighty Mouse or
Superman would win a fight, and what kind of creature Goofy is. In
“Flipped,” Bryce’s best friend Garrett complains that there aren’t
Three Stooges, there are five, and that Curly-Joe shouldn’t be counted
as a Stooge at all. This patch of dialogue sounds like something
developed after consulting a focus group.

Dramatically, the film doesn’t quite snap together. Though the young
actors do their job well (as do the older ones), there’s little
urgency or narrative drive. The various episodes are strung along in
sequence, each with its single point to make (Juli is ecologically
sensitive, Bryce’s daddy is a jerk), and the net effect is airless.
While there are two sequences that are stirring and effective (one
depicting a couple’s dinner-table fight, and another a
mentally-disabled man’s meltdown in an ice cream shop), neither
episode advances the main plot. On either side of them are yards and
yards of bubble wrap.

Julie spends some time puzzling over the concept of how something can
be either more or less than the sum of its parts. In “Flipped” we get
a parade of highly-polished, overly-controlled parts, but the whole is
disappointing. A screening audience is often grateful and eager to
applaud, but when the last line of this movie was spoken, accompanied
by swelling orchestration, the audience of youthful book fans sat in

This is one of those movies where you have to ask, well, what are you
looking for when you buy a movie ticket? If you’re happy with a
somewhat-entertaining story of young love, mostly free of offensive
elements (when did it become OK to use barnyard epithets in a PG
movie?), then you’ll be satisfied with “Flipped.” But if you want to
be surprised and delighted with a movie that is funny and true, you’ll
be happier with some of Reiner’s earlier films. “Flipped” tries so
hard to sell itself that it is the sales pitch we hear, rather than
the ostensible subject: the unaffected charm of first love.

Talk About It

1. Juli is a lively and interesting character, and she has a strong
sense of integrity. But Bryce shows that he is not able to stand up
for himself, and when a friend says something cruel about Juli, he
does not voice any disagreement. Do you think Juli will be
disappointed in Bryce in the long run?

 2. Juli’s dad has chosen to devote himself to his painting, though it
means that his wife is overworked. Bryce’s dad gave up a similar
artistic pursuit in order to earn a good living. It is Bryce’s dad who
is depicted as making the wrong choice, a choice that has rendered him
touchy and bitter. Yet in “It’s a Wonderful Life,” the main character
is viewed as heroic for giving up his dreams of being an explorer in
order to support his family. When did this viewpoint change, do you
think? Is it possible to re-imagine the story in a way that would
treat Bryce’s self-sacrifice as heroism?

 3. When Bryce’s family invites Juli’s family to dinner, Juli’s mom is
so thrilled and excited that she is overcome with “nervous energy”.
Why does this invitation delight her so much? What does it represent,
to her?

The Family Corner

There are a handful of crude 4-letter words. A provoked dad slaps his
daughter on the face.

Frederica Mathewes-Green

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