
The above article raises the issue of how to distribute photographs.  If you 
take a photograph or a video of police doing something illegal then you need 
to send it out ASAP before the images are deleted and/or your phone is 

The usual way of sending pictures involves going to the picture viewer, 
selecting the picture, selecting that you want to send it, selecting the email 
or MMS program, entering an address, and then waiting.  That's not going to be 
very useful when bad things are happening.

What we need is a program that allows you to take pictures or video and just 
send them as fast as possible to a suitable server.  For sending pictures 
email will do but you really don't want mail stored in the sent-mail folder 
(the default for K9 is to send the message twice, once by SMTP and once by 
IMAP).  For sending video a protocol like FTP is necessary so that when a 
transfer is interupted you can still access whatever was sent.

Good extra features would include the ability to scale down pictures and video 
for fast transmission, you get good quality if they don't smash your phone and 
low quality if nothing better survives.  Also being able to send via Wifi 
would be a good feature, either a direct upload to a Wifi device that's not 
obvious (EG a tablet hidden under your car seat) or something like Serval.

As an aside it would be an interesting experiment to see how many people can 
share photographs via Serval at an Occupy event before it gets overloaded.  
The Serval developers have always considered cases where a police or military 
organisation opposes users of their software.

Serval is on f-droid, so it matches all aspects of freedom.  Freedom from 
tyranny needs to involve Libre software, we just can't trust other software.

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