On Thu, 9 Mar 2017 02:27:00 AM Andri Effendi wrote:
> "The Debian GNU/Linux project says that former Tor developer Jacob
> Appelbaum is no longer welcome at its events, after charges of sexual
> misconduct were levelled against him"
> The article you are looking at isn't factually accurate.
> The Title of the Article says that there were 'charges' leveled against
> Jacob Appelbaum which never happened.
> There were NEVER any CHARGES laid against Jacob Appelbaum, heck the
> accusations posted on the "anonymous" blog were never even reported to
> police.

The word "charge" has many meanings in English.  In the context of a court 
case it can mean an official accusation (among other things).  But it also has 
other meanings.

     8. An accusation of a wrong of offense; allegation;
        indictment; specification of something alleged.
        [1913 Webster]

Above is one of the definitions which probably best corresponds to Sam's use.  
Sam has a great command of the English language and uses it precisely.

> Nor did they ever see the light of day in a court of law.
> I don't know about you, but I believe in fighting for everyone's rights,
> not just my own.

Yes, that's why I want Jacob excluded from Debian, LCA, and every other source 
of victims.  Some of the people who accused him are people I know IRL and some 
are people I know from Internet correspondence.

> I don't know what you are getting at here, whether you're trying to sum
> up my entire contribution to "linux security" by pointing to a miss
> leading blog written by someone else, who only quotes the written
> equivalent of sound bites and can't even get the title of his story
> inline with actual facts.


You are a conspiracy theorist.  You claim that Jacob was framed, while the 
more reasonable assumption is that he did what he was accused of.  Until I 
read the above article I didn't realise it was possible for someone to be such 
a creep that a BDSM gay porn company had to sack them, but apparently Jacob 
achieved that.


Now there is a history of police infiltrators sexually abusing members of 
political organisations, the above URL is one of many documenting that.  We 
should consider whether Jacobs situation is more similar to an activist being 
targeted by the authorities (who have not arrested him as you note) or an 
infiltrator attacking political organisations.

As an aside when we discussed evicting him from Debian people tried the "but 
what about the work he did" thing.  But it turned out he had contributed 
little to Debian and nothing for several years, it was just another group he 
had joined for reasons other than contributing.

> Are you trying to commit character assassination?

I'll let your conspiracy theories and defence of the indefensible speak for 

> I don't see how  this particular attempt to assassinate my character or
> credibility is relevant to the original post which was about
> "WIKILEAKS, Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed".
> I have dedicated hours of my spare time to the Free Software movement
> and advocating for Privacy and other Human Rights?
> I have dedicated unpaid volunteer hours spent to provide people with
> knowledge of how to better protect their privacy online, preserve their
> documents by switching to Free/Open formats, advocacy against DRM and
> many other contributions.

It's nice that you have spent hours doing that.  I have spent 16 years working 
on SE Linux.

> What gives you the right to demand me to justify my right to speak, by
> questioning how I contribute to the Free Software community?

What gives you the right to question all the victims of Jacob?

> That is a very low place to go madam or sir.

You lack the knowledge of English needed to criticise Sam's writing.

> Prove your Russia conspiracy theories.
> I think that is way more relevant.

I've shown that Assange defends Russia.  If there is a reasonable explanation 
for that then offer it.

> You don't have to be an expert to know a state sponsored attack was not
> necessary for the Sony Leak.
> Also, that you would never be able to truly pin point the location of
> such an attack anyway since carrying out an attack using compromised
> hardware scattered across the globe can mask the origin of the true
> mastermind.
> No Proof was ever produced that it was Russia or North Korea.


Krebs and Schneier are convinced that North Korea was behind the Sony hack.  
While we may never have absolute proof I think that NK is the best theory to 
go with.

> The Sony Hack could have easily been an employee who was not satisfied
> about their time at sony.
> It could even be a staged false flag attack from within the US to be
> used as a pretext for a declaration of war against either of the states
> you have mentioned "Russia or North Korea".


There is no possibility of a declaration of war against North Korea, there has 
been no "final peaceful settlement" of the last war, so the war hasn't ended.


The US government has no desire to start hostilities with NK again.  As they 
didn't respond with force to the Pueblo incident it seems unlikely that they 
will want to do anything now.

> The same goes for the DNC leaks, which the western mainstream media and
> also some western politicians has purported as fact (without proof) that
> "it was the russians" who leaked the emails.

The CIA believe that Russia was behind it.  Wikileaks is proven to be pro-
Russia, so that seems plausible.

> Not only is this ridiculous, but the source of the information is only a
> distraction from the incriminating evidence of the DNC rigging the
> primaries against Bernie Sanders.

No-one outside the US Democratic party cares much about whether they rigged 
their internal elections.

> This could have easily been a DNC insider, which Assange has not
> outright said that it was, but has eluded not only to that conclusion,
> but also that that person was assassinated.
> And in fact there was someone in a position to leak such information has
> actually died not long ago.

Recursive conspiracy theories.

> Julian Assange has eluded to this in an interview.
> I am not saying that I believe it as fact, because I am a man of my
> word, I believe in Innocence till Proven Guilty.
> This will be my last response to you Russell Coker, as I have dedicated
> my time to promoting software freedom and not responding to trolls who
> are pulling out the "russia" card whenever they want to distract from
> incriminating revelations about the US government or our own.

Most people who say that don't last 24 hours.  Most of the rest don't last a 

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