On Wed, 31 May 2000, Ed Patriquin wrote:
> On a lark, I tried the same code on another system.  My development system
> is Windows 2000.  I tried it on a Windows 98 machine and VOILA, I get the
> request.  The Illegal Request error must be coming from within the bowels of
> Win2k.  There is probably some kind of permission issue with allowing me to
> open the connection.  Now I have to track that problem down.  I knew it was
> something simple.


  I should have expected that.  No reason a modern operating system should
take 3+ minutes to boot.  We have a 2000 file server here and I personally
hate the frigging thing.  Microsoft should take a clue from most other
operating systems in the world and seperate the OS into discrete chunks.
There's the file system, and the windows system, and the kernel drivers,
and the device drivers, and in most sane operating systems these things
are discrete entities to some degree.  Not microsoft!  They make what
operating systems designers call a 'monolithic' kernel look like a creme
drop next to a giant wad of cotton candy.

> P.S. Shren, if your every in the Silicon Valley, let me know, I owe you a
> dinner.

  Eh.  I signed on to this group looking for some help with DirectSound,
and my problem was solved with advice from the group within 24 hours.
What goes around comes around.  But if I am ever out that way I'll let you
know in advance.


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