
Freebooters 0.2.2 has just been released. This is the first release that
makes use of the great Ogre 3D engine. Right now there's a separate mini
demonstration world that should give you a little preview how the final
inter island seapassages will look like in 0.3.
Run seapassagedemo and have a look at all the nice 3D models Esteban
"Kabutor" Fernandez has modeled in Blender for you!

Other changes beside the new 3D world:

* The build system has been greatly overhauled, e.g. now there's a
  configure script

* Full Win32 support for Freebooters (not for the 3D world). Use this
  if you want to experiment with ReactOS, otherwise GNU/Linux is
  recommended :-)

* Several bugfixes and minor gameplay improvements (e.g. repairs and
  improvements in the shipyard consume time now), some of the contributed
  by Ruhi Bloodworth

Note that savegames from 0.2.2 are incompatible with all older ones.

The next release will probably be 0.3, which will include a complete
3D map of the Caribbean Sea. Helping up build the tiles for that map
does not require any programming skills and is very welcome.
If you want to help Freebooters to prosper further have a look at the

Download it as usual from download.gna.org/freebooters and please report
any bugs you encounter to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cheers and happy hacking,


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