I'm curious. When will the examination cover other architectures such
as POWER/PowerPC, SPARC, and ARM?
Having an exam for such architectures would get the BSDs recognition
as a reliable system with the Power group. Support for ARM in the exam
could increase the use of the BSDs in embedded devices; and, the same
is also true for certain Power architectures.

I am aware that the standard architecture being used is i386 and
amd64. I am also aware that development is taking place on the
architectures mentioned.

On 6/11/12, Dru Lavigne <dru.lavi...@att.net> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm currently planning on taking the BSD Association
>> certification, as described here.  (http://www.bsdcertification.org/)
>> Although I am primarily doing so for personal, rather than
>> economic reasons, I did want to ask whether or not it
>> possibly *would* add to a resume, in the opinions of people
>> here.  As much as I've loved using FreeBSD myself, I've
>> been looking for trend and market share numbers on the Web
>> recently, and what I've found has been fairly depressing;
>> the indication usually seems to be a gradual, long term
>> decline of the three major BSDs, with virtually all UNIX
>> market share moving in the direction of Debian Linux.
>> With that said, I've also noticed that FreeBSD is still
>> visible on Netcraft's list of the most reliable ISPs.
>> I consider this tragic, because after close to 15 years of
>> at least intermittent use of both systems, I have developed
>> a belief that FreeBSD is vastly technically superior to any
>> form of Linux that I have used, including Debian.
>> So I wanted to ask; how possible is it still, to become
>> gainfully employed as a BSD administrator?  Once I have
>> the BSD certification, will it be necessary to concede to
>> reality, and also seek certification in Linux as well?
>> I have long considered that idea, but the problem is that
>> Linux training generally costs a minimum of $2,000, and I do
>> not have that type of money available.
> Disclaimer: I'm the current chair of the BSD certification group (BSDCG).
> The BSDCG gets requests quite often from employers who are looking for
> admins with BSD skills. We refer them to our BSDA certified linked in group
> as its members are all BSDA certified. There is also a linkedin group for
> those interested in BSD certification which is a good resource for
> networking with other admins who are interested in BSD.
> We have also received several reports back from certificants indicating that
> the reason why they were hired over someone else was because they were BSDA
> certified.
> I wrote an article for the February issue of BSD Mag (available for free
> download from bsdmag.org) that describes why one would want to be BSD
> certified, even if not motivated by economic reasons or even if one is
> already happily employed.
> Bottom line, if you're interested in system administration, the more
> Unix-like skills that you can get, the better. A Linux certification will
> only provide a subset of these skills. Having both Linux and BSD
> certification provides a fuller skillset.
> Cheers,
> Dru
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