Gert Cuykens wrote:

Who of you has ever encountered a woman that doesnt look at you like
you are a green alian when you tell her "Sweetie my sql server is down
could you please restart the msqld please. Thx love you honypom"

Well, Ms. Lavigne, Ms Anderson, and "Auntie" Blake come to mind first, as they're fairly well known in the community. And then every once in a while you find out that someone on the list you don't suspect to be female is ... and that someone who you think surely must be just happens to have a name that is generally attached to females in your part of the world, but isn't in his, or whatnot.

I seem to recall Ms. Lavigne, in writing about attending BSDCan
some <last?> year, mentioned that she did feel to be part of a
minority.  But FreeBSD isn't really about gender, anyway....

OTOH, I never call any of them when mysqld is down, and don't
intend to.  I imagine that if there are men in their lives, maybe
they don't talk about MySQL anyway....

Now the other day at, hmm, I think it was "errorwear"'s site,
I did notice where a fellow had written in about his g/f, who
was admirable for her love for network topology, camshaft
mods and race driving, and other, um assets.

But I'm starting to think he made it all up, and was pretty
good with photoshop/GIMP.  :-)

ok i will narrow the specification a bit, which of you ever
encountered a woman that knows the difference between giving her your
phone number or giving her a ip address ?

Dollars to donuts that everyone of them knows what you're up to, they just don't care much; if you give 'em a phone # they don't intend to call, and if you give 'em an IP they'll only hit 'ya if nmap(1) finds any interesting ports :-D

Kevin Kinsey
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