> On Tue, 10 Apr 2007 22:55:07 -0700
> > > > I'd like everyone to note that I'm merely curious; this is the
> > > > fourth person in 24 hours to say "why in the world am I getting
> > > > these e-mails?" or "please unsubscribe me", including 2 G-mail
> > 
> > do you think that it wasn't simply spam? I once got a finely crafted
> > spam with quoutes from the lists, which I read almost halfway before
> > realizing that I was losing the thread far too often, and maybe not
> > because of my logic unit being particularly slow that day...
> > 
> > Maybe what we're seeing is an emergent behaviour of the Internet --
> > distributed intelligence that got lonely and bored and wants to
> > chat? :-o I can't seem to think of a sane reason to send out
> > messages full of garbage that have a chance of being deleted close
> > to 100%. Doing that on a massive scale seems to me to be beyond any
> > logic or reason.
> > 
> > > > Kevin Kinsey
> But those people seem to be so human and unique.

Yeah, you're right. I haven't thought of that -- such a heartless
bastard, ain't I?

More seriously, though, I wasn't talking about trolls, as it was spam of
the clear (first) water.

> Ahh... After all, not every minute you get such cuties here :-).

Strangely enough, I got that spam not through the list, but directly.

Well, I think it's clear already that people are getting real messages
from the maillists, even though they [think] they don't want them and
say they can't unsubscrbe? Hm... If you try to unsubscribe by sending a
message to mailman, do you get removed immediately, or there's some
form of confirmation mail sent (that gets lost in the Great
Bitbucket, perhaps)?

> - Yuri

[SorAlx]  ridin' VN1500-B2
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