Jason Moss wrote:
I'm on the same list and also multiple times tried to UNSUBSCRIBE and
keep getting the same message. But still on the list!

Can you clarify, "I'm on the same list".  Are you on a mailing
list with "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", and his sister in law?

What mailing list is it?

They started yesterday for the first time.  All the emails are
containing technical issues or subjects related to the tech field.  So
I'm sure someone from "freebsd.org" can find out what the deal is and
remove the people/addresses that don't belong on there.

Only if real data can be collected, such as the question I asked
above.  We are possibly making headway, but so far there's not
enough data to even diagnose the issue.  Only symptoms and
a few sparse clues.

Kevin Kinsey
My father was a God-fearing man, but he never
missed a copy of the New York Times, either.
                -- E. B. White
freebsd-chat@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

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