Written by eBoundHost: Artur on 11/26/07 10:05>>
> This has nothing to do with anything that I'm saying.  Listen, my
> grandmother also has some interesting things to say but you don't put
> her name on the front page of the Fortune program because it's not
> appropriate. Same thing here.  Just not an appropriate forum.

I'll bite once.

The reason your grandmother's name is not there is not because of
appropriateness, it is because of _pertinence_. She's apparently not
historically important, nor is she historically controversial. Hitler as
an example is quite obviously very pertinent, given the widespread post
WWII paranoid censorship fever that deems anything related to Hitler,
Nazism, and even to some extent Germany itself to be controversial and
thus taboo and off-limits, regardless of content, and that this fever
has already specifically reared its head in the fortune file's history
causing a similar bikeshed argument that wound up in the core team's

I can understand your point that you'd like the reference to be less
specific ("don't put something in the offensive list because you find
the source offensive"), but at this point the motivation still seems to
be "I'm scared of reading 'Hitler'", and because of that I am opposed to
changing the page. Quite frankly, the man's been dead for over fifty
years. I think we can safely mention his name with reasonable assurance
that he won't jump out of a dark alley and boogeyman us to death.
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