On Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 10:55:35PM -0600, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 07:59:58AM -0800 I heard the voice of
> Jason C. Wells, and lo! it spake thus:
> > 
> > And if you really like tactile response, the one true keyboard is
> > the IBM Model M.
> I picked up the Model M I'm typing this on on eBay many years ago.  It
> certainly was well used when I got it, and it's hardly had an idle day
> since.  On the back, it lists the manufacturing date as 03-15-91.  It
> still feels and works as solid as the day it was born.
> There are two kinds of keyboards; buckling spring, and crap   8-}

my J1 Model M was manufactured 17 April 1989, and i've had it for 15
years, I found another one in an office languishing, it was bound for
garbage. so when my 'M dies i've got a spare ... <grin> 

they are beautiful keyboards, make good benchpress bars as well, smile.
if you can find one get, it make teh investment your
arms/wrists/shoulders will thank you. I am a disabled man I use my
keyboard some 8-10 hours daily, some day more, to communicate as well
as to do some commercial computing work. every time i get out to a
customers office and have to use thier modern/new ergonomic keyboards,
well teh short story is that by teh end of the day i'm begging for my
'M .. they are great, solid keyboards, sturdy and highly recommended,
even secondhand at whatever price a "new" keyboard will cost you, i've
seen them on ebay so tehy are still available, get one before it get to
status symbol mode and teh ebay ethos collectible mode kicks in (GRIN).

hope this helps 
much kind regards


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