I have been following this thread and I have to agree with Ted for
reason that have always stuck with me about all the suits against

1) Earlier in the thread Ted talked about how Microsoft could issue
patches that would disable third party software access to root key. Then
someone responded and said that Microsoft would not do something like
that because of the problems it would cause Microsoft. This brings to
mind what Microsoft did to DR-DOS. Doesn't anyone remember this? If not,
Microsoft placed code in it's software that cause the software not to
work on DR-DOS although DR-DOS was fully compatible with MS-DOS. This
destroyed DR-DOS and drove it out of the marketplace.

2) Microsoft's license with hardware vendor was (and I don't know if
this has changed at all) that the vendor had to pay Microsoft a flat fee
for every machine sold even if the machine did not include Windows.
Otherwise they could not sell any machines with Windows pre-installed.

These are 2 things that always struck me as far worse then bundling IE
with the OS, but for some reason things like that aren't talked about

And lately it seems to me that finding exactly what exactly the patches
that come out on patch Tuesday actually do is darn near impossible -
other than the vague description given by Microsoft.

These are just some things that I've never liked, but then again I
thought OJ was guilty too.

Rod Person

"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's
opinion, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."

--Oscar Wilde 
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