> My position: Microsoft pushed IE because they saw Java and Netscape
> as a threat to their Windows monopoly. 
> > Microsoft was very worried that the trial would focus on this and
> > they would end up with this as a ruling.  So, they engineered
> > the focus on their destruction of Netscape.  Everyone followed
> > along and forgot about the preload situation.
> Which has zero to do with anything I said.

I will act as an arbiter for a minute here, can I?
The support for your position comes in bulk from "historical" data. Ted
holds that the whole Netscape ordeal was manipulated to intentionally
put Microsoft into vulnerable position in that respect, so as to divert
attention of the court from other, far more important issues. I cannot
judge how right this statement is, but I would thus say you are relying
too much on those records being TRUE (a keyword here, means the kind of
scientific truthfulness Feynman was lecturing about).

So, it seems someone here tries to weasel out of the fight before it
is over, no? ;-P

> DS

[SorAlx]  ridin' VS1400
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