

On Sat, 2 Feb 2008, Erich Dollansky wrote:
On Fri, 1 Feb 2008, Erich Dollansky wrote:

I just heard rumours like this on German websites.

What impact could this have to the FreeBSD project?

it was a news story on the san francisco news.  they said
that a federal investigation was going to decide if there
were antitrust issues.

this sounds like irony. As longer this drags, the further away from the top will Yahoo be and so antitrust cannot be important anymore.

umm.. Uncle Bill is the one doing the buying.. so.. umm.. i read that
as the courts viewing microsoft as becoming the monopoly.

it is a question of how to define monopoly.

I currently use Google and Yahoo to do searches in news for a very specific subject. It seems to me that at least there, Yahoo is very often very much behind Google. Yahoo gets the same news sites indexed later. Of course, they are not CNN, they are pretty small compared to them.

google made a run for the desktop a while back, right? so google is
trying to compete with microsoft on a certain level.  you can't exactly
call these things monopoly since microsoft is a PC-OS while google
is a webserver.. still microsoft has MSN search.  microsoft has
historically tried to horn in past the OS, (e.g. exel and word)
so now they want to try to take websearch.  it ain't gonna happen,
umm.. i don't THINK it's gonna happen, right?

I also wonder how Google earns so much monez with its search engine. Is it just the adds? Is it reallz this simple?

On the other side, Google must be so much better than other search engines to get so much more hits to earn money with this free service via the adds.

The problem I see is how the search results are influenced bz the search engine in use.

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