On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 11:43:21PM -0700, Jason C. Wells wrote:
> spellberg_robert wrote:
> > when your content is sound,
> >   the presentation will take care of itself.
> /me hands Rob a paragraph and some upper case letters.
> I'm sorry.  I found it far too difficult to read your content.  The poor 
> presentation required more effort than I was willing to invest.

well, perhaps, now you might know how i feel about trying to may my way 
throught the way you
all write and present you posts. i struggel to read the majority of
posts .. not everybody read writes presents american english in teh way
"some" americans read write and present thier version of english.

perhaps, if we all spent less time worrying about how politically
correct, how american sensabilities offending word/content ..

this world is made up of people whole read, write and
understand/comprehend at various and different levels of competence for
whatever levels of comptance are available in these days of politically
corrected school marking systems.

we all use the 'lingua franca' at different levels of usability for all
and different levels of competance for all and various differnt levels
of the 'human' condition. my bodies uniqunesses help me see thes
'different levels' i write the way that i write because this is how
best that i can see (as in visual acuity, as well as frontal cortex
issues both learning) and understanding.

at any rate this is how i see it and perhaps if we all (me included)
spent more time understanding why people write the way that they might
write rather than HOW they might write .. content is far, far more important
than the presentation of that content.

disabled, people, with english as a sencond language and a whole lot of
stuff that is people in between ... sitting at our keyboards we can
foreget that teh stuff out there is another person, a person not a
machine providing content for our own consumption for our benefit.

if this is how we treat people then it dosen't matter how good freebsd,
is. going to be .. it dosent matter if when they come here to get help
support and or information we treat tehm like grist for the mill,
anotehr machine for teh provision off our content, our content, my
content, is it worth it .. i ask this question every time i see this
"you didn't provide _my_content_ " in the way that I want it to be
provided, in teh way that it mkes it easy for me to use in teh way that
i want to use it.

put another way, "dr suess" has a lot to answer for in teh creation of
.. this the "me" generation don't ya think ??

sorry for the out burst .. 

kind regards, sincere appreciations


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