what a trip. bravo, jon michaels

On Thu, 20 Mar 2008, jonathan michaels wrote:

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 08:15:36PM -0700, Jason C. Wells wrote:
jonathan michaels wrote:

it is easy to say i didn't know, but its harder to justify treating
people like jcw did, as per example, i'm not picling on ou jason, your
post and responce is teh best example of this process that i have seen
since a few nolonger present in public freebsd community made sport of
broken people and those fro whom english is not a second or third or
even a fourth language.

I never made sport of any person.  You made yourself into a victim of a
conversation you weren't even part of to start with.  My participation
was squarely on the topic of content and presentation.

This turned out to be the most horrendous conversation I have ever been
part of in my internet travels.  I'm flabbergasted.

thank you fro your prompt and infromative reply to my offlist
explanation, i appreciate your concern and interest in resolving this

i appreciate your concern regarding these sorts of missunderstanding,
as an ongoing concern for freebsd as a whole, to reiterate, i am not a
victim, i chose to share some of my concerns as regards how i see
people being treated in general.

sadly my own communications skills are not up to teh tasks required.
for that failing i apologise. sadly there is nothing much that i can do
about that short of teh grate technological leap forward that is
constantly being promised by medical science. so for that i plead your
indulgance --- we all do what we can as best as we can, that is how we
all move forward, grow in increase in functionality, value and worth,
forst to our selfs and teh t teh community as a whole -- as i see these

perhaps one day people such as i and yourslef might be-able to
communicate, as human beings of equal value and or worth, witouth, the
current impediments that plague such disparately stacked (personal)
value systems.

sorry i took so long to respond, i've had a busy schedule with dr's
appointments, quarterly reviews and such like, they are all going on
holidays and decided to make sure that i was "still alive" <GRIN> well
thats how life gose some times.

so, be well, take care and think kindly off those of us who don't meet
societal standards, personal standards and or whatever such devices are
used to gauge value/worth or even suitability --- we all have many ways
of expressing these things and not always is teh intended message
received or for that matter sent because of teh above and previously
mentioned disperateness, differences and or percieved strangenesses on
both sides of teh fence.

be well, take care and may (your) god's peace dwell with you as mine has
with me .. all teh days of my life, helping and guiding.

most kind regards with my most sincere appreciations.


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