On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 11:14:29AM -0700, KAYVEN RIESE wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Mar 2008, Astrodog wrote:
> > Just as "I really enjoy drinking heavily then driving like Mario
> > Andretti, Officer Smith" is much more understandable, and can be read
> > faster than, 
> > "ireallyenjoydrinkingheavilythendrivinglikemarioandrettiofficersmith"
> i really enjoy drinking heavily then driving like mario andretti,
> officer smith.
> > These rules do not exist for your, personal, outgoing communication's
> > benefit. They exist to assist people reading what others have written.
> > I know of very few people who follow these rules when writing notes
> > for their own use.
> fyi, i know a NUMBER of people who write like this because it is
> faster to type.  the space bar is very easy to hit i am not
> suggesting abolishing that. i don't think sentence beginning
> capitalization is significantly facilitating in ease of
> reading.  capitalizing can be a distraction sometimes
> the rules are subtle.  i find myself spending more time
> wondering if things are proper nouns than the *@(#& content.
> ppl who COMPLAIN about lack of capitalization waste more
> time on that than the subject at hand.
> >While you can elect to ignore these rules in
> > communication with others, doing so makes understanding things you
> > write more difficult. These kinds of mistakes also make ambiguous
> > sentences more likely to occur, as the building blocks of the sentence
> > are not recognizable by others.
> i capitalize things like freeBSD and NaK ATPase as such.  i don't
> like to waste bending for the shift key if i am having what my
> mom has called distertations if i get on a serious train of thought.
> > Needless to say, fluency with these rules will not be consistent
> > across a large group of people. However, the fact that some people do
> > not know the rules as well as others, is no excuse for not working to
> > make your material easier to understand.
> sentence beginning capitalization is REDUNDANT as there is such
> a thing as a period followed by TWO spaces.  i, unlike the guy who started 
> this thread, seemingly, do not support excessive ambiguuous misspellings,

please let it be know that i do not and neither have i ever supported
careless/incorrect spelling.

my posts are a constructed with a brain that lives with significant
damage which causes significant dsylexia for which there is no unix
based spelling checker that can cope with teh type "misspellings" that
are so generated.

my coreneas are incorrectly formed in that tehy curve inwards as
opposed to teh normal outward curve this cannot be correctde by the new
technology type soft contact lenses and these days as nearly all
contact lenses makers make (universally) the soft plastic lenses that
cannot support  the double curve required to 1/fit my corneas, 2/
correct teh astigmatism also because of other issues my eyes are not
suitable for contact lenses.

one of teh side effects of my eyes being as tehy are is that on a
normal screen  using normal line and character spacing i see four
images with my left eye and 3 or 5 images all this is going on
simaltaniously and concurrently with the other eye.

 my brain is working overtime sorting this mess out, fortunately fro me
i've lived with this all of my life so my brain has worked out a
'workabel' processing system that 'copes' most of teh time. to
allievate most of ths visual confusion i need to tripple line space and
space teh characters some 4'ish character widths.

screen this make a standard 80 character width line to be totally
readable, then comes teh process of understanding this visually
windowing context based cut, stitch and paste processing that my brain
takes for granted .. and i wonder why reading ant typing is so
laboriously tiring .. it is so much hard work

then comes teh aspergers .. this leaves me with a dictionary like
'emotional' context for 'language', also if we were talking face to
face i cannot read "body language"

after all of this comes teh effects of damaged neurological circuits
that make typing, walking eating and most other motor (fine, especially) based
actions a bit of a lottery especially at teh end of teh hrt cycle whicj
has improved since i asked teh dr's to change teh injection duration
from 3 weeks down to two weeks . evey 14 days the district nurse
arrives to stick a 55 mm 0.5mm inside bore needle into, pick a large
muscle, i get all 55 mm and then comes the sesame seed oil based
anabolic steroids based cocktail that now takes 20 to 30 minutes to
inject, any shorter than that would possibly kill the person and in my
case nearly did when one nurse couldn't understand teh need fr a 20+
minute injection cycle and did teh lot in 45 seconds.

party political fully paid up add ..


unless prescribed and delivered by a fully trained doctor and then get
at least 3 opinions from three geographically diverse regions, its you
body, its your life. this has been my lifes experience

this is part of teh reasons behind why i write the way that i write,
some of these i might beable to control to some extent, some of these but 
these items and several more, too personal for a public forum such as
this are essentilly, effectively uncontrolable and as such unfixable
from my side of teh keyboard ..

sorry there is one solution, that is a brain transplant .. but then teh
question arises would i be teh same person post transplant as i was pre
transplant or even would i still be a person at all ?? umm i think that
i will wait a bit longer for teh medical technology to get a bet less
frankenstienish than it is these days perhap a few hundred(s) more

> but agree in those who take issue and ostracize some with draconian
> fervor in lieu of having a constructive converstaion.

i hope that my converstaion has been of some constructive value, if not
just showin those that don't know or understand how andor why disabled
people in general and this one in particular are not a participatory as
most other 'content machines'. it is not for lack of will or even teh
fear of failure. personal failure i mean or even the fear of public
humiliation at teh hands of teh spelling/grammer/context aparatchic's
(vocla spelling to make point clearer).

laregly we dont contribute because it is just so much hard work be it
teh physical efforet of actually typeing, be it teh mental exhaustion
associated with teh effore going into composition, contextual
orientation and or follow-ability, and a whole truckload more factual
reasons that cause a serious drain on teh person involved, consuming
and auter'ing the content

i'd give my eye teeth to be asome bleeding hear martyr but i am not ..
i'm just one person struggling to make sence of a world that is getting
crazier and crazier by teh minute . one persons cyber-bullying is
anothers grist for teh mill, anothers days work, anothers light
entertainment, antoerhs reason'd'etre, anothers excues to withdrwa from
communications with the outside world .. we all hvea out
ideosyncracies, pet hates pet loves, pet cats an'll

i hope that i've been able to shed some ligth on a day in teh life of
an 'internet junkies' disabled body, its hopes dreams and asperations.
from what i can tell especially from teh type, volume of teh words used
by ya'll they are largely teh same as mine noth withstanding some
localised issues detailed by my bodies particulars needs.

we all write differently, we all make (micro)mistakes it is all teh
fabric of teh society that we all live in, the warp, teh weft the weave
the strech teh give the durability .. we are all cut from teh same
cloth .. perhaps it is time we stoped looking at teh labels and started
to "feel the quality" as tehy say

in conclusion our similarites unite us far more than our diference that
divide us ...

> > --- Harrison

take care and be at peace ..

my most sincere appreciations and thanks to you all

kind regards


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