[coment(s) below]

On Thu, 26 Jun 2008, Martin Tournoij wrote:

Sign it here:


The number of Adobe Flash sites are growing, and an increasing
amount of sites will simply cease to function when Flash is disabled
or unavailable.

I would like to call to all web developers to (re)consider their use
of Flash, while it does have place on the web, it is often used in the
wrong way, on the wrong place, in a badly implemented manner.

Why I dislike flash:

o It often adds little or nothing to a website, most things can often
be achieved with either CSS or Javascript (or a combination) which
suffer from much less problems.

o Flash is not usable, for example it often breaks the back button,
"find in page" does not work, setting font size does not work, and
many more.

o Browser settings such as font size, enabling/disabled sound in web
pages etc. do not apply to flash, leaving the page's designer, not the
user, in control of the browser.

o Flash is not accessible, screen readers, braille displays etc. often
have serious difficulty accessing flash pages.

o Progressive enhancement is difficult to achieve with flash, unlike
for example CSS or Javascript, flash is binary data which interacts
poorly with HTML.

o Flash is not supported on all operating systems, and only on a very
limited set of architectures.

Maybe I am missing something, but isn't the petition about getting
the FreeBSD desktop to be able to view flash sites (I hope so).  If
I am mistaken, I apologize for my OT spam.  I have a bunch of those
emails sitting in my box and I am just now bursting to make a
comment here.  I _really_ hope that some bounty gets paid or something
that implies that I will be able to do cvsup or patch or whatever
commands to be able to view flash websites.

o Flash is slow, if you do not have a new $1000 PC but a somewhat
older "office PC" flash can be a serious performance hit.

o There are a number of security issues with flash, and Adobe has
never seemed to quick/concerned to fix them.

Oh dear.  This could be the intractable part of the problem for the
time being.  However, I fail to see how Adobe could continue with
this policy, as surely, nobody wants to be cracked (don't say "hacked" hacking is the sound made by highly technical people when their fingers
flurry accross their respective keyboards).

o Animation is annoying, I want to access information, not watch a
"cool" animation.

The Undersigned

Martin Tournoij

I would have made a good pope.
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