On Mon, Aug 04, 2008 at 01:27:52PM +0200, Oliver Fromme wrote:
> Just in case this is useful for somebody ...  There is
> a small conmmandline tool to download youtube videos:
> ports/www/youtube_dl.  Given the URL it downloads the
> video into a .flv file that can be played with mplayer
> or other standalone video players.  Sure, it's not the
> same as watching the video inside the browser page, but
> it's better than nothing.
> Best regards
>    Oliver

There's also multimedia/clive, which works for a few other sites too (like
google video) and also does some other magic (Like recoding the video to mp4,
which works better in mplayer).

Martin Tournoij

Too often I find that the volume of paper expands to fill the
available briefcases.
                -- Governor Jerry Brown
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