A few times in the past some people (notably the guys from rsync.net) have offered bounties to encourage FreeBSD development. These have usually been announced on the mailing lists, and if others want to offer their support, then they can, but maybe it's not as easy to collate all the information as it could be.

Some research reveals that there is unlikely to be any official list of bounties, due to the legal status of FreeBSD.

As a result, I decided to create a site where people can offer bounties, others can lend their support, and developers can be sign up to claim the bounties.

At the moment it's still in the early stages, but hopefully it'll grow and prove to be a valuable resource for the FreeBSD community.

Check it out at http://www.freebsdbounties.info

All feedback is appreciated.


(This message was sent to freebsd-chat yesterday, but I think it may have been munched by a spam filter. Apologies if it's a dupe.)

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