On Mar 5, 2009, at 6:39 AM, Hywel Mallett wrote:

A few times in the past some people (notably the guys from rsync.net) have offered bounties to encourage FreeBSD development. These have usually been announced on the mailing lists, and if others want to offer their support, then they can, but maybe it's not as easy to collate all the information as it could be.

Some research reveals that there is unlikely to be any official list of bounties, due to the legal status of FreeBSD.

As a result, I decided to create a site where people can offer bounties, others can lend their support, and developers can be sign up to claim the bounties.

At the moment it's still in the early stages, but hopefully it'll grow and prove to be a valuable resource for the FreeBSD community.

Check it out at http://www.freebsdbounties.info

All feedback is appreciated.


Hello Hywel!

Awesome! The interesting thing is that I was just typing an email last night to ask for contributions and volunteers on a similar idea and site but I fell asleep! Perhaps we're destined to combine forces ;-)

We've got a site in development called www.SponsorBSD.org where sponsors can post a project, and other people can contribute financially towards the bounty. Multiple developers can then sign up for that project and contribute code that is viewable by all via web cvs or that remains private in case of closed bounties. A founding sponsor, team leader, or admin can then divvy the bounty up to the contributors based on effort or selected solution.

All it needs is perhaps a little design love, some minimal PHP programming, and a bit of testing.

Mail isn't setup yet but it will still allow registrations. We'll get the mail setup this weekend. I've cc'd Melanie, from the PC-BSD Project, as she's volunteered to help get the word out and coordinate volunteers. If you're interested in contributing, please send Melanie an email.

Hywel, I'll contact you off list about potentially teaming up!


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