"...Pick any colour you want, as long as its BLACK..." -its not always the car, 
its invariably the DRIVER !!!

Obviously, as long that *IX works in your "real" world, then thats all that 


 Be situationally bound, NOT existentially.



> From: li...@stringsutils.com
> To: free...@sopwith.solgatos.com
> Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 12:42:13 -0400
> CC: freebsd-chat@freebsd.org
> Subject: Re: FreeBSD vs Ubuntu - Discuss...
> Moving to chat instead of performance. 
> >> This was discussed in detail in slashdot.. starting with the fact that 
> >> most 
> >> likely debug switches were not turned off for FreeBSD.
> > 
> > "All of the FreeBSD and Ubuntu options were left at their defaults."
> > 
> > My question is why is FreeBSD's disk i/o performance so bad?
> As I mentioned... this was discussed actively in slashdot. You will find 
> there many good comments on this.
> > Not just in the benchmarks with debugging on, but in real world usage
> > where it actually matters.
> Are you saying this from actual experience or from reading other people's 
> comments? If it is from actual experience and XYZ version of Linux does a 
> particular job better then I don't see why you should not consider using 
> what works best.
> As someone who has had to use Redhat for over a year because that is what 
> this job uses... I would trade some performance for not having to deal with 
> all the peculiarities in Linux distros.
> Also, as mentioned in the slashdot article discussion, some of the reasons 
> Linux may do better on some operations are a tradeoff between 
> stability/security and speed.
> http://linux.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1384455
> >From having to use Linux I have found some instances where FreeBSD may no 
> not be up to par (ie Java), but overall I would much rather use FreeBSD if I 
> had a choice. "Features" like the OOM killer are, in my opinion, extremely 
> poorly designed and likely worst executed. 
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