> Moving to chat instead of performance. 
> >> This was discussed in detail in slashdot.. starting with the fact that
> >> most likely debug switches were not turned off for FreeBSD.
> > 
> > "All of the FreeBSD and Ubuntu options were left at their defaults."
> > 
> > My question is why is FreeBSD's disk i/o performance so bad?
> As I mentioned... this was discussed actively in slashdot. You will  find 
> there many good comments on this.

Debug switches? Irrelevant, as 7.2 performed just as poorly (if not worse)
in the threaded random writes test. One would think that the unrealistically
poor [disk?] I/O performance bench data in FreeBSD was just a glitch, but
using the OS everyday as a workstation, I actually notice that there could
be some truth in those numbers. At least for ATA, when there's some disk I/O
going on, file write operations that normally take milliseconds, may take
tens of seconds or a minute! For example, loading the root disk with some
serious concurrent I/O (portupgrade, find, tar xz, etc) makes opera
unusable: the web browser normally saves "sessions" file everytime there's
a change (e.g., a tab closed, or a page scrolled), and usually the write
operation is unnoticeable, but with heavy disk I/O, one could wait for tens
of seconds before, say, a page gets scrolled following keyboard input.

I thinks that stream [memory benchmark] may also be demonstrating a
weakness in FreeBSD, though I have doubts on this one.

[SorAlx]  ridin' VN2000 Classic LT
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