I agree Tzofe. I didn't mean troll in the negative sense but in the sense
of a joke inviting a foolish reaction. Which you certainly got :)
On Nov 10, 2013 2:04 PM, <tzofeo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 12:38 PM, William Palfreman
> <will...@palfreman.com> wrote:
> > Champion bit of trolling there Tzofe. I am only sorry it didn't generate
> the
> > storm of emails it so richly deserved. Nevertheless a work of art. Good
> > trolls are so rare these days. It would have been a different story in
> the
> > golden age of the late 90s. Three hundred emails at least.
> No trolling, it was a joke. And the reaction to my joke was very
> strange and amazing.
> The real troll is someone from Kharkov, Ukraine writing emails with a
> fake identity of Genghis Khan.
> I can't prove it but I think this is alex444 (real name Alexandr
> Krasnyansky), system administrator of Scana Ltd. in Kharkov and
> administrator of www.kharkovforum.com forum. This is how he looks
> like:
> http://my.mail.ru/mail/alex444/
> http://vk.com/id68327207
> Very far from Genghis Khan or any other mongoloid:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genghis_Khan
> Alex isn't jewish and doesn't have the jewish sense of humor, for sure!
> :-))
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