This is some joke ?

2018-03-03 23:32 GMT+01:00 John Darrah via freebsd-chat <>:

> FreeBSD recently introduced an updated Code of Conduct that developers and
> members must adhere to. There has been much backlash online about it and
> about introducing identity politics into a technical OS project in general.
> The Code of Conduct was adopted from the "Geek Feminism" wiki's version,
> which claims (among other things) that racism against whites doesn't exist,
> sexism against men doesn't exist, and that certain protected classes of
> people should not be criticised.
> Emails of the internal discussion about this controversial Code of Conduct
> have now been leaked publicly, painting a picture of the disagreement in
> the FreeBSD project about how this was handled.
> A number of developers, particularly benno@, phk@ and des@, have used
> racist
> and sexist remarks against those criticising the far-reaching project
> policy
> change, saying that the concerns about the policy essentially boil down to
> "white male privilege" and being "on the wrong side of history".
> Other developers expressed concern about the policy being thrown upon them
> with no discussion or debate, as well as The FreeBSD Foundation's choice
> to pay an outside person (with donations from the users) to work on the
> Code of Conduct's enforcement. Said person identifies as a feminist.
> Mods on BSD and FreeBSD-related subreddits are censoring posts, removing
> threads, and banning users for posting the link. Colin Percival is among
> the mods doing the removal. FreeBSD forum mods are also cracking down and
> eliminating any discussion. Censorship is not the way to win culture wars.
> This file is an email archive in MBOX format. You can open it with any
> email client (including the mail or mutt commands) or view it as plaintext
> with any text editor. It contains just over 200 emails.
> View:
> llXLhSz0oZLV9WuOEUHBc=
> Download:
> I encourage you to read and form your own opinions, especially with regard
> to how the project is handling donation money.
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