Btw. for each example when political correctness was offended regarding
feminism and/or racism and/or any gender related issue appeared on a
BSD or Linux related mailing list, I will provide trillions of examples
when Godwin's law, bikeshedding and swearing was an issue, not to
mention top posting and HTML mails. I'm a white man who has got
platonic feminist girl friends, but non of them is histrionic and/or
suffering from delusions. After reading those geek feminism opinions I
get the impression that they aren't feminists or in any way intreasted
in commonsensible gender politics, obviously they tend to be radical,
offending their own high ideals. Psychopathologic bullshit is
counterproductive to reach social progress, such as equality of
transgender, women and men. It's a shame, insulting all those people who
worhed hard to increase such a social progress. Since I'm one who wants
such a progress, I feel offended by geek feminism, because it could
damage decades of hard work for equal rights.
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