There are two iron laws when it comes to the linux-kernel and it's
facing towards the larger world.

1) The grsecurity-pax patch is absolutely vital if one wishes to not be
hacked by chinese(TM). (And has been vital for the last 15+ years.)

2) GRSecurity is _blatantly_ violating the GPL by adding additional
restrictive terms.

Other things we have come to know is that
A) Linus is a poor judge of quality, or just out of touch.

To say that GRSecurity is garbage?
No linus, it's just the layer covering up the shit heap that the
linux-kernel is when it comes to exploitable code.
That stench you smell is not that nice grassy cover over the garbage
tip, it is what is below, what that top is holding down.

You know... I would expect the things that Linus said about GRSecurity
from a white woman... I would expect that. Knowing nothing, spouting
bullshit, destroying lives. That's their _thing_.

But from a man?

Well, goes to show you. White men ain't men. Best they are is 40 year
old bois. Faggots to say for short in American parlance.

Same reason they won't hold it down when a bunch of fucking cunts CoC
them. You build the whole edifice, then you let a bunch of do-nothing
white women rule over the thing you built and you.

But hey, that's Linux!
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