On Thu, 24 Jan 2019 03:01:49 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>On Wed, 23 Jan 2019 22:28:45 +0000, linuxgpl...@redchan.it wrote:
>>This man speaks the truth.  
>It doesn't matter, if it is the truth or not. Whining doesn't solve
>anything. Security isn't mine concern. I'm using computers to make
>music, this means that I need to use Linux to get rid of Apple issues
>and I need to use Apple to get rid of Linux issues. I even need to run
>Windows in a VM, to run software to program my guitar synth that isn't
>available for Apple and is buggy for Linux. If I would have more money,
>I would buy stand-alone gear and pay for the large room that is needed
>to room the gear, IOW I wouldn't use an "empathy" computer at all to
                        this should read "allround"
Ooops, a clipboard copy and paste issue, resp. a weakness of my skills
to focus.

>make music. However, this kind of "problems" are luxury problems. On
>this planet some people don't have clean water, clothes and not enough
>to eat. I seriously doubt that they care about security issues of
>computers connected to the Internet, or about my needs. They battle for
>their existence.
>If you still insist in continuing trolling, then please do it regarding
>something that is important. No one on this planet should die of
>If you would spam all the Linux and FreeBSD lists with topics about us
>using FreeBSD and/or Linux, while other people don't have access to
>drinkable water and we should be ashamed, I would have empathy even for

pacman -Q linux{,-rt{-securityink,-cornflower,,-pussytoes}}|cut -d\  -f2
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