On Sat, Sep 11, 1999, Blaz Zupan wrote:
> /home/blaz> id
> uid=1000(blaz) gid=1000(users) groups=1000(users)
> /home/blaz> ls -l /dev/kmem
> crw-r-----  1 root  kmem    2,   1 May 23 15:26 /dev/kmem

   Oh.  ps doesn't use /dev/kmem.

   Look at a ktrace of it; it works just as it should.  /tmp/ps
auwwx prints what it should and the ktrace output shows it opens
the processes whose memory it can read (as ``nobody'' I could
read httpd processes, my ksh process and my ps process) and
errors for those it cannot:

  8290 ps       CALL  __sysctl(0xbfbfc944,0x4,0xbfbfc954,0xbfbfc940,0,0)
  8290 ps       RET   __sysctl 0
  8290 ps       CALL  open(0xbfbfc878,0,0)
  8290 ps       NAMI  "/proc/7997/mem"
  8290 ps       RET   open -1 errno 13 Permission denied
  8290 ps       CALL  close(0xffffffff)
  8290 ps       RET   close -1 errno 9 Bad file descriptor

|Chris Costello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|CCITT - Can't Conceive Intelligent Thoughts Today

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