Bob Bishop wrote:
> At 11:01 am -0800 15/11/99, Matthew Jacob wrote:
> >I repeat what I said in other mail- can you actually show me a tape drive
> >where what I propose really doesn't work?
> BUT I have to say that on principle I'm with Rod on this one: EOF != EOT
> and mixing them up is a recipe for (inter alia) finding you can't read back
> dumps when you need them.

Not to mention the fact that the old ANSI standard for nine-track tapes
included a double EOF to indicate EOT/EOD (and the more modern tapes _did_
have an EOT marker).  Consider me another person with extensive tape experience
chiming in _against_ this idea.  And, yes, "blank check" means something
entirely different from EOT.  Conflating the two opens up a real can of

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